Now I'm not a celebrity but I feel like one when I go to school everyday. Most students will come up to me and say, "hello teacher." Others students wave or giggle as I pass through the halls. But some students ask me questions like how are you doing? What are you doing? Girls tend to ask more specific questions. How old are you? Do you have a girlfriend?Now it's one thing to be recognized by your students at school but I see my students all the time in town. One of my students saw me eating at a restuarant and said, "oh it's teacher. Do you like?" Another student saw me walking on the street, and said jamkkan which means wait a sec and she got her mom and said, my mom, teacher. That was cute. Other students see me in town and usually ask questions like what are you doing? Where are you going? Kids are so curious about their teacher, lol.
When I first arrived here, I was alone and I didn't know anyone in my neighborhood but now if I go into town, my students usually run into me. So I don't feel like such an outsider as much anymore. One of my students came up to me while I was walking home and offered me some snack food and said, "here teacher, bye. Another student saw me walk into my apartment building and they were shocked that I could open the electronic door. It was probably one of the funniest moments. Maybe it's because I live near them. Other students saw me in the market buying food and they were curious what I like to eat. Then they followed me to the end of the street and said, "bye teacher."
Another time I ran into one of my students was when I was just walking down the street and since it was dark I didn't notice them. Suddenly, one sixth grade girl said to me, "Daniel!" which was weird cause normally I hear teacher. She was walking next to me the whole time but it was dark. lol that was another funny episode.At school, students are very respectful to me always acknoledging me and sometimes involve in their little games before class, which is hillarious. Like with my sixth grade class, I sometimes play rock, paper, scissors. Some of my fifth graders are very curious about my life so they watch me at my computer. Sometimes if I'm on facebook they are curious who I'm friends with and such, lol. There hasn't been one day I've been here that a student hasn't talked with me, which is nice. In one of my sixth grade classes, the students always say, "hello teacher." But this particular class, one of the students said, "hello Daniel." She was so embarrassed and the class laughed. I told her it's ok after class. It's been a good start to the school year so far.
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