Monday, September 26, 2011

First Week at Seongam Elementary

The first day I had the program in the auditorium and the speech and then we went to the Immigration office in Daegu that afternoon to apply for my alien registration card, which is the what identifies me as an employee in South Korea. It was long day but we managed to go the bank and set up my account at Daegu Bank and we tried to get a cell phone but there were some complications.
The first day I had the program in the auditorium and the speech and then we went to the Immigration office in Daegu that afternoon to apply for my alien registration card, which is the what identifies me as an employee in South Korea. It was long day but we managed to go the bank and set up my account at Daegu Bank and we tried to get a cell phone but there were some complications.

My first class was with 4th Graders. I remember sitting in the room towering over everyone. All eyes were on me. And a chatter 'Oh it's Daniel' Everyone seems to remember me from my speech and the principle's introduction, which was nice. But now it was time for my first class and I started off with an introduction of myself. I provided a powerpoint presentation with lots of pictures of myself and my hometown. I made the presentation a kind of guessing game so students would guess where I was from, what I like or so on. It went very well and I showed them a live picture of my house from Google earth and they saw my house and my neighborhood. They were very impressed and really liked where I lived which was funny to me. Most of the students live in poor community but it's a nice town. It's kind of rural as it is right in front of the mountains. But the first class was very successful and students were asking all kinds of questions.

First, one student asked, how tall I was? Another asked how old I was. They were surprised that I was 24 at the time. I looked so young to them I guess. The first class went by so fast that I don't even remember what I said to them. It was same for my next class. The third class was a little different as they were 6th graders. They didn't ask as many questions but they asked different ones. They asked if I had a girlfriend. They also asked how tall I was which was funny because everyone asks me that here. In my 5th grade class I was asked if I was married. The same introductions were used all week as I have six different grades in the elementary school. But I would say I made a good first impression on the school staff and students.

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